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Planning Engineer @ Beximco Engineering Limited

Planning Engineer
Beximco Engineering Limited, a sister concern of Beximco Group and a legend in Engineering Construction Industry is looking for self motivated, proactive and energetic talent as Planning Engineer.

  Key Responsibilities:

•    Analyze and prepare documents for project tender bidding.¬
•    Effectively correspond with international contractors and other parties.¬
•    Understand work scope, quantity and familiar with logical sequences in terms of engineering, manufacturing and construction disciplines.¬
•    Work with management and project team in the development of work break down structure for progress measurement, scheduling, cost estimating and project control.¬
•    Prepare and manage overall master schedule integrating work breakdown structure using scheduling software.¬
•    Coordinate schedule from multiple contractors and incorporate the information gathered into the overall project master schedule.¬
•    Prepare cost estimation and work schedule using MS Project/ Primavera P3 or P6 considering all inputs’ (manpower, equipments and materials) availability, production and construction sequences.¬
•    Develop and update resource (manpower and equipment) histogram weekly or monthly as required.¬
•    Evaluate allocation of resources and provide recommendations to maintain required progress.¬
•    Develop and implement plan versus actual progress charts.¬
•    Analyze deviations from plan and present report.¬
•    Track, monitor and forecast progress of all activities and deliverable such as products, engineering documents, fabrication status and construction of all discipline.¬
•    Participate all meeting (i.e. schedule review meeting, progress meeting, coordination meeting, and so on).


•    B.Sc. Eng (Civil) from reputed university, with good academic track record.¬
•    Minimum 8 years hand on experience in construction project with reckonable period in project planning.¬
•    Candidate should be able to understand drawings, quantity survey and cost analysis. ¬
•    Should have proficiency in spoken & written English.¬
•    Should have strong communication and leadership skills.¬
•    Only males are allowed to apply.¬
•    Age limit 42 years.

Attractive compensation package will be offered to the deserving candidate.
Candidates are requested to send their complete resume (CV) with
2 copies of recent passport size photographs to the
General Manager, Central HR and Administration
Beximco Group, 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No 2, Dhaka 1205

e-mail to: jobs@beximco.net
Application deadline : 22nd September, 2013
Post applied for must be written on top of the envelope / Subject of the e-mail.

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