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Consultant @ Plan International

Consultant Wanted
Founded 75 years ago, Plan is one of the oldest and largest children's development organizations in the world. We work in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas to promote child rights and lift millions of children out of poverty. In 2012, Plan worked with 84 million children in 90,131 communities. Plan is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations but having a vision of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people's rights and dignity. Child Centered Community Development (CCCD) is Plan's Child Rights approach in which children, families and communities are active and leading participants in their own development. Working in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, Plan's stated Global Strategic Goal (2011-15) is to reach as many children as possible, particularly those who are excluded or marginalized, with high-quality programs that deliver long-lasting benefits. Children are at the heart of everything we do. We are serving Bangladesh for last 19 years.
Conduct a study to look for feasibility of interventions of
‘Generation Breakthrough (GB) Project’
Gender Based Violence (GBV), gender inequitable social norms and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) are closely related and often mutually reinforcing both in positive as well as negative ways. Boys, who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence by men against women, without this being challenged as unacceptable, learn that violence is an acceptable way of dealing with problems in relationships. Unquestioned male dominance and the notion of sexual entitlement by men over women are important risk factors for GBV in Bangladesh. Acts of GBV often go unrecognised as such as they are condoned within the gender order by men and women alike.
SRHR is a domain of social taboo in Bangladesh, especially for adolescents and young people. Sexuality, procreation and rights are not talked about at home or in school or only in terms of risks mainly affecting girls. Without adequate education on physical and mental changes during puberty, adolescents are left to their own devices to understand bodily facts or mental and emotional issues around friendships, relationships, desires, safe sex, sexuality, reproduction and HIV or other STIs. Many adolescents’ only source of information about sex is from pornographic material available through magazines, DVDs, TV, the internet or occasionally through friends and cousins: generally not information that promotes respectful, consensual, tender and pleasurable intimate relationships. As in any other country, adolescents in Bangladesh do experiment with sex and intimate relations during this phase of their life and without adequate information the risk of sexual violence, unwanted pregnancies, chances of attracting STIs and HIV are high.
With over one third of girls in Bangladesh – married or unmarried – experiencing a pregnancy before the age of 19, the chances of complications during delivery are considerable: maternal mortality remains very high in Bangladesh. In the absence of adequate information and RH services for unmarried adolescents, there is a great risk of unwanted pregnancies and subsequently often, unsafe abortions. In this context UNFPA Bangladesh has started the project having a multi pronged approach with the financial support from Embassy of Netherlands. In this project Plan International Bangladesh is playing the role of Umbrella NGO. Ministry of Education and Ministry of Women and Children Affairs are partnering with UNFPA for implementing the project activities at school and club respectively.
In this view, we are looking for a consultant to explore the feasibility of designed interventions of ‘Generation Breakthrough’ project in the project locations.
Expected Deliverables: The contracted agency/consultant is expected to produce a report on the findings of the study. The consultant will produce a complete final report on the review, findings and recommendations including detailing items mentioned in the attached ToR.  
Profile of the Consultant: The consultant is expected to have minimum Master Degree in any discipline with over three years consultancy work experience in country or abroad. The candidates who have experience in research/evaluation in the area of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) related program will be preferred. Other expected competencies are in attached ToR.
Terms of reference:
The terms of reference (TOR) can be downloaded from this link. For any queries about the ‘ToR’ please contact with Dr. Munir Hussain, Project Manager-GB on 880 2 9887258, 8812662, 881535, E-mail: Munir.hussain@plan-international.org
Submission of Proposal:
Interested Consultant/Organisation are requested to submit technical and financial proposal through sealed envelope to Plan International Bangladesh, House 14, Road 35, Gulshan- 2, Dhaka. Envelop must be marked with the title of the assignment. The deadline of proposal submission is 3:00 PM, 18th September 2013.
As a child-centered development organization, committed to the wellbeing of children and to supporting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we do not tolerate child abuse.

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